Wednesday, October 6, 2010

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are animal rights activists dedicated to the protection of the welfare of animals in the four largest areas: factory farms, the entertainment industry, the clothing trade, and laboratories. They focus on other issues such as the cruel killing of pests and cruelty to domestic animals. PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns (

Political Activity

PETA has been involved in many court cases as far back as 1981 with their precedent-setting Silver Spring Monkeys case.

Current legislation

Success stories include a law prohibiting people to let unvaccinated or unsterilized cats outside in Hampton, Virginia; However, they mostly just sue people and attack known animal abusers or people inadvertently supporting animal cruelty by not doing anything about it.

Common Supporters/ Voters

Common supporters include such celebrities as Alec Baldwin, Keanu Reeves, and Eddie Vedder. Even musicians are great supporters of Peta . Some of the most outstanding supporters include Death Cab for Cutie, P!nk, Rise Against, and Paul McCartney.


PETA cannot support any particular political party or candidate because of IRS regulation states that because non- profit, educational groups cannot have any political affiliation.

Political Supporters

There aren’t many political supporters because PETA does not give out money.

Places we got stuff from:


  1. Man, I just had a steak too. For Peta right? People who Eat and Tortures Animals. Just kidding.

    Kinda obvious that Paul McCartney supports Peta since he is a vegetarian. Keanu Reeves is still one bland man.

    Did they attack Michael Vick back then?

  2. Can I say fist of all how I’m jealous? As a member of PETA, that would’ve been a great project…
    Anyways, although PETA may have a harder time reaching out to a large group of people because it is more narrowly focused on a specific topic, it is nonetheless a strong group because of how passionately the members believe what they stand for.
    PETA also is trying to reach a bigger audience, with PETA Kids and PETA 2 (for teenagers and young adults); this way, they are already exposed to the animal-rights movement and are deeply involved by the time they reach a voting age.
    Also, they having very convincing videos on about all their subjects (slaughter houses, animal-testing, fur, etc). The graphicness of the videos has swayed numerous people on their points.
    However, the one thing that I’m not a fan of is how violent PETA can get. I mean, I’m all for saving animals in every possible way, but attacking people on the streets with fake blood? Honestly, that’s not the best way to get your point across.
    Overall, PETA stands for a great cause and is persuasive, though they could stand to make a few alterations.

    @ Khanh- PETA was livid (to say the least) at Michael Vick, displaying a large anti-dog fighting campaign.

  3. Hmm interesting. I knew most of the general information but not so much the supporters. Even though they don't have a PAC or political supporters they probably don't need them with all the donations they get from bands, movie stars, random americans and ect. With all the support they get publicly I find it hard to see why people still abuse animals. They should know that their going to get attacked by PETA. I'd be a PETA member but I will always eat meat so...down with domestic animal cruelty! (stupid mike vick. How do you get caught making dogs fight? :P Idiot.)

  4. Yeah i gotta say im a person for the eating of tasty animals. Cruelty to animals=not cool but like Lacie said, they really do take it to far. Like when they launched an "unhappy meal" un front of various McDonalds to show kids how animals were harmed making the burgers. They are nuts sometimes, but overall they do support a good cause that should get some recognition. Even though they dont form a PAC, with all the publicity they get, i wouldnt be suprised if they got some influence in there anyway

  5. I think that even without forming a political pact they still have a lot of influence because of societies' view on animal cruelty. Having a lot of well known people advertise also brings a lot of awareness towards how these animals are raised and people will want to make laws to ensure that they do not eat garbage for food not so much because it is a political issue.

  6. i think a group like this is really under appreciated and not really recognized. We take these issues for granite as they are overshadowed by "bigger topics". It is interesting that they have no political affiliation and that they do not hand out money to political candidates so they are not alligned with one specific party. They do not have much legislation but reather more punishments such as in Virginia which ig good and bad. People still have to abide by certain rules but since the organization isn't that big people are allowed to get away with more

  7. So many people think of PETA as a joke, and they make fun of people who support it, when really most of us would say that we agree with their policies even though we don't even know it. Not all of their policies are so extreme as we usually think, most of their action is to try and prevent animals from being tortured before they're killed. I mean, even though I am going to eat meat no matter what, that doesn't mean I think the animal should go through hell before it dies. Like Justin said, they are not recognized or appreciated as much as they should be.

  8. Like Justin, I find it sad that these issues are usually overshadowed by bigger issues. Nonetheless, it really can’t be helped. The news stations are biased and are probably more interested in informing the public about Tiger Wood’s newest lady and not an abused dog. However, like everyone said, they are pretty smart in using celebrities to expand their horizons. Also, they do also lobby. So, they still impact legislation somewhat and not all hope is lost :]

  9. but they do align w/ a PAC who can donate.....

    good dialogue here. But remember that there are vegetarians- anti-research- vegan. different levels here so not all PETA people are the same (like what Lacie said)

  10. I want to send my daughter the stripping of animals from PETA. PLZ give me the link.
