Wednesday, October 6, 2010

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are animal rights activists dedicated to the protection of the welfare of animals in the four largest areas: factory farms, the entertainment industry, the clothing trade, and laboratories. They focus on other issues such as the cruel killing of pests and cruelty to domestic animals. PETA works through public education, cruelty investigations, research, animal rescue, legislation, special events, celebrity involvement, and protest campaigns (

Political Activity

PETA has been involved in many court cases as far back as 1981 with their precedent-setting Silver Spring Monkeys case.

Current legislation

Success stories include a law prohibiting people to let unvaccinated or unsterilized cats outside in Hampton, Virginia; However, they mostly just sue people and attack known animal abusers or people inadvertently supporting animal cruelty by not doing anything about it.

Common Supporters/ Voters

Common supporters include such celebrities as Alec Baldwin, Keanu Reeves, and Eddie Vedder. Even musicians are great supporters of Peta . Some of the most outstanding supporters include Death Cab for Cutie, P!nk, Rise Against, and Paul McCartney.


PETA cannot support any particular political party or candidate because of IRS regulation states that because non- profit, educational groups cannot have any political affiliation.

Political Supporters

There aren’t many political supporters because PETA does not give out money.

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